Thursday 18 April 2013

Some interesting facts about Linux

Well, if you are a Linux user, you must be familiar with these points. These interesting facts about Linux may seem obvious to you but for beginner these must be known. 

  • All files are case sensitive. In Linux unlike windows, all files are case sensitive. File, FILE, FiLe or file are completely different things in Linux. 
    • etc/folder and etc/Folder are different too. Don't get messed with these case sensitive things. 

  • Everything is a file. In Linux, everything is a file. A directory is a special kind of file which stores more files, but its still a file. Anything from a terminal windows to a hard disk partition, everything in Linux is represented as a file in file system. 

  • file types. The file utility determines the file type. Linux doesn't care about the extension to determine the file types. The editor will treat a file of either a .doc or .txt extension as same and don't even care about it. As a system administrator, you can use the file command to determine the file type. 
    • file pic33.png
      • pic33.png: PNG image data, 3840 x 1200, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
    • file /etc/pass
      • /etc/pass: ASCII text
If you have any other basic yet useful Linux thing in your mind, just share it up in comments. They will be our next posts with your name as contributor. :) 

Open Source World.


  1. File names are case sensitive.

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